Material topics
At Petrolimex, material topics are identified based on the analysis, assessment, and prioritization of the most significant positive and negative impacts (actual and potential) of Petrolimex on the economy, environment, and people. The process of identifying material topics is conducted by a specialized committee, the Sustainability Report Team, with the participation of the Deputy General Director in charge of the Sustainability Report Team and the involvement of stakeholders through various approaches, following a series of steps based on the GRI Standards 2021:

GRI 11.9. Occupational health and safety
- OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES: Petrolimex always prioritizes healthcare services, recognizing their crucial role in safeguarding and improving the health of workforce. These services encompass several key functions.
- EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION, CONSULTATION, AND COMMUNICATION ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (OSH): The Group manages OSH activities through the OSH Regulations issued alongside Resolution No. 035/PLX-QĐ-HĐQT dated 11th January 2017. According to this, each member unit must appoint specialized personnel to handle OSH activities, establish OSH Steering Committees/Boards comprising representatives of employers, grassroots trade union executive committees, OSH officers, and healthcare personnel at production and business facilities.
- DEPARTMENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH: At each unit, personnel (specialized or dedicated) are appointed to handle OSH activities, or an OSH management department is established at the facility to ensure the Group's minimum requirements
- EMPLOYEES TRAINING ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH: Annually, member units must develop Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Plans in accordance with the OSH Regulations
- IMPROVING EMPLOYEE HEALTH Petrolimex conducts medical examinations for 100% of the direct labor force.
- EMPLOYEES PARTICIPATE IN THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Annually, member units must develop Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Plans.
GRI 11.10. Employment Practices
No. | Target | Result |
01 | Total training hour | 1,442,892 hours |
02 | Average training hours | 39.85 hours |
03 | Average training hours for female workers | 40.96 hours |
04 | Average training hours for male workers | 38.79 hours |
05 | Total training sessions | 58,664 hours |
06 | Number of managerial partticipants in training | 9,492 hours |
07 | Average training hours for managers | 126.82 hours |
08 | Total training costs | 90.456 million VND |
Petrolimex organizes advanced training programs for employees:
+ With the perspective that employees are the top priority for development, the Group has a clear policy on updating and enhancing the qualifications of employees, including managers, senior engineers, and other workers. This helps improve and enhance the Group’s activities based on technological development and process optimization.
+ Annually, the Group directs member units to investigate and compile data on the current status of cultural and professional skills of members and employees; on the training needs of workers, including retraining and upgrading their expertise in professional skills, management, political theory, foreign languages, computer skills, and basic skills to build organizational plans for members and employees to participate in learning, upgrading qualifications, and professional skills.
+ he Group organizes and encourages participation in training activities, including both internal and external training courses, to enhance qualifications, increase work efficiency, and develop careers for employees.
Petrolimex focuses on building and training personnel in key areas:
+ In addition to organizing advanced training for employees in general, Petrolimex also focuses on building and training personnel in key areas that have a significant impact on the Group’s results and efficiency. These include training programs for Petroleum Station Managers, etc. They also focus on building, training, and developing a professional working attitude, friendly demeanor, civilized communication, and politeness for sales staff at petroleum stations. This effort aims to improve and enhance Petrolimex's performance based on technological development, process optimization, and service quality improvement.
Petrolimex plans to establish a Steering Committee for the establishment and investment in the construction of the Petrolimex Training and Research Center in the near future.
GRI 11.11. Non-discrimmination and equal opportunity
Petrolimex considers the people as one of the key factors for success in business operations. Therefore, Petrolimex always focuses on employee care policies, ensuring and improving salaries and incomes, and living standards of workers, while ensuring the harmonization of the Group's interests without differentiation in the basic salary and remuneration ratio between women and men.
At Petrolimex, there is no discrimination in labor, with the general goal of building a fair and equal working environment.
GRI 11.18. Conflict and security
Training security personnel on procedures and human rights policies is an important part of ensuring that they operate within the bounds of the law and ethical principles.
GRI 11.1. GHG emissions
- The Group is currently developing Environmental Protection Regulations, which for the first time, stipulate greenhouse gas inventory for member units within the corporation.
- In November 2023, a training conference on environmental protection and climate change response was held in two regions (Northern region in Ninh Binh and Southern region in Da Lat), with the direct participation of over 300 employees including the leadership of the Group, departmental leaders, and officials; leaders of units, departmental leaders of technical departments, and technical staff at various subordinate facilities. Additionally, there was online participation from technical staff at over 70 locations.
Under the guidance of leading experts in climate change and greenhouse gas inventory, the conference provided attendees with opportunities to access state-of-the-art knowledge and techniques such as "Net-zero Race", experiences in climate change, practical greenhouse gas inventory, the Carbon market in Vietnam, and greenhouse gas emission reduction for petroleum businesses.
- Petrolimex is voluntarily conducting a comprehensive greenhouse gas inventory for the entire corporation to assess overall emissions status and the emission reduction methods currently being implemented. This inventory will serve as the basis for research and development of the corporation's greenhouse gas emission reduction action plan.
GRI 11.2. Climate adaptation, resilience, and transition
- Promoting the business of green energy products: Petrolimex has commenced the business of Euro V standard RON 95 gasoline (RON 95-V) since 1st January 2022, with higher technical requirements (setting lower limit thresholds) compared to RON 95-III gasoline, specifically concerning quality indicators related to health, environment, and engine performance. Setting lower limit thresholds for these indicators will help reduce harmful compound emissions during engine combustion, contributing to minimizing hazardous emissions and smoke affecting health and the environment, while also extending engine lifespan. - Investing in environmentally friendly technology
- Đầu tư vào công nghệ thân thiện với môi trường: Petrolimex đã đẩy mạnh đầu tư công nghệ thân thiện môi trường, áp dụng nhiều sáng kiến đổi mới giúp tiết kiệm và sử dụng năng lượng hiệu quả.
- Investing in environmentally friendly technology: Petrolimex has been actively investing in environmentally friendly technology, implementing numerous innovative initiatives to save energy and use it efficiently.
GRI 11.3. Air emissions
Implementing closed-loading and vapor recovery technology: One of the most effective measures Petrolimex has adopted to reduce VOC emissions is the application of closed-loading and vapor recovery technology at more than 2,834 petroleum stations nationwide. This technology minimizes the amount of fuel vapor released into the environment during fuel loading and controls the risk of explosions at petroleum stations. Petrolimex is the only petroleum business in the industry to adopt this technology.
GRI 11.5. Waste
Petrolimex always prioritizes reviewing environmental protection systems at units to minimize environmental impacts, ensuring strict compliance with the Environmental Protection Law and the Environmental Protection Regulations issued by the Vietnam National Petroleum Group on 6th January 2016 (Decision No. 007/ PLXQĐ-HĐQT) along with regulations on inspection and maintenance of petroleum storage tanks and pipelines of the Group. Moreover, Petrolimex is also enhancing digital transformation, applying automation, improving the efficiency of inspection, maintenance, repair, and environmental protection in technical management at petroleum facilities and throughout the system. As a business in the petroleum industry, Petrolimex operates in the trade and service sector, not in direct production, and does not use raw materials, so the amount of solid waste and wastewater at Petrolimex is not large.
- 100% of facilities have environmental permits, environmental registrations, and environmental reports, and conduct environmental monitoring as required by regulations.
- 100% of waste treatment contractors are fully compliant with the required capabilities.
- 100% of waste is sorted at the source, with hazardous waste being specially managed and controlled from classification, storage, to transfer with transparent, clear documentation.
- 100% of petroleum stations (661 petroleum stations) have oil spill response plans approved by local authorities, and the remaining petroleum stations have oil spill response plans approved by the Group. Most terminals have oil spill response plans reviewed by the Group and approved by the provincial People’s Committee or the National Oil Spill Response and Salvage Committee.
- No violations of the law.
- No environmental incidents.
- No complaints from the surrounding community regarding the environment.
GRI 11.6. Water and effluents
Petrolimex's production activities do not use water as an input material. Runoff rainwater in controlled areas constitutes a significant proportion of wastewater considered oil-contaminated and requiring treatment. Oil-contaminated wastewater is also generated during the cleaning of petroleum storage tanks.
Wastewater at petroleum facilities is collected and treated as follows:
- Wastewater at petroleum facilities: The wastewater generated from petroleum facilities is primarily domestic wastewater. The average domestic wastewater volume at a petroleum station is about 10m³ per station per month. Domestic wastewater from kitchens and personal hygiene of staff is collected into the drainage system and preliminarily treated in three-compartment septic tanks before being discharged into the general drainage system of the area.
- Oil-contaminated wastewater: This type of wastewater is generated at petroleum depots and stations from sources such as tank, container, and pipeline cleaning; tank bottom water discharge; vehicle washing; cleaning of oil-contaminated ground; and runoff rainwater on oil-contaminated ground.
- All wastewater generated at petroleum terminals and jetties is collected and treated in a wastewater treatment system to meet Vietnam Standard 29:2010/BTNMT before being discharged into the environment.
- All wastewater generated at petroleum stations is collected and treated in an oil-separating sedimentation tank to meet Vietnam Standard 29:2010/BTNMT before being discharged into the environment.
GRI 11.8. Asset integrity and critical incident management
Oil spills are of utmost concern in petroleum operations due to their potential to cause significant environmental pollution (affecting soil, water, air, and living organisms) and pose a serious fire and explosion hazard. Petrolimex is committed to strictly adhering to state regulations and company policies regarding oil spill management and prevention, including:
- Environmental Protection Law
- Decision No. 133/QĐ-TTg by the Prime Minister: Issuing the National Plan for Oil Spill Response
- Decision No. 12/2021/QĐ-TTg by the Prime Minister: Issuing Regulations on Oil Spill Response
- Environmental Protection Regulations of Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex): Issued on 6th January 2016, under Decision No. 007/PLX-QĐ-HĐQT
- Regulations on Inspection and Maintenance of Pipelines at Petroleum Terminals: Decision No. 286/PLX-QĐ-TGĐ dated 8th June 2017, by the General Director of the Group
- Regulations on Inspection and Maintenance of Petroleum Storage Tanks: Decision No. 755/PLXQĐ-TGĐ dated 25th December 2018, by the General Director of the Group
- Regulations on Inspection and Maintenance of Petroleum Pumps: Decision No. 332/PLX-QĐ-TGĐ dated 14th June 2023
- Technical Operation Regulations for Oil Terminals and Petroleum Products: Decision No. 316/XD-QĐ-HĐQT dated 21st July 2008
- Guidelines for Assessing Oil Spill Response Plans for Petroleum Terminals of the Group
- Regulations on Oil Spill Response Operations at Petrolimex Stations: Decision No. 322/PLX-QĐ-TGĐ dated 26th June 2020
Petrolimex manages oil spills through comprehensive measures, including:
- Control and prevention of oil spills
- Oil spill responses
- Public liability and environmental pollution insurance
In 2023, Petrolimex successfully avoided significant oil spill incidents that could have affected the surrounding environment.
Disaster prevention and search and rescue
as a leading enterprise in Vietnam's petroleum business sector with a network of petroleum stations nationwide, Petrolimex commits to leveraging infrastructure advantages and a management system built and perfected over more than 68 years based on regulations on Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue (DP & SR) and various other measures.

Supplier Selection
In addition to financial requirements and pricing considerations, Petrolimex prioritizes ensuring the safety of the petroleum supply. Petroleum suppliers must clearly specify their production facilities or origins, provide goods of quality compliant with Vietnam's regulations or Petrolimex's requirements, and demonstrate credibility and experience in the petroleum business, with a clear sales network or technical infrastructure.
Domestic suppliers must adhere to Vietnam's environmental laws and other environmental standards. Foreign suppliers are all major players with policies and standards in environmental protection. In 2023, there were no legal violations or major incidents impacting the surrounding environment.
- Ensure the source of supply is reliable.
- Petroleum supply sources must be clearly defined.
- Ensure compliance with environmental laws.
Moreover, on 8th February 2023, Petrolimex issued Decision No. 44/PLX-QĐ-TGĐ on the issuance and implementation of Technical Requirements for generating Petroleum Sources. Some of the Group’s business items have higher technical requirements for generating sources than the National Technical Standards and Vietnamese Standards as follows:

GRI 11.14. Economic impacts
At the end of 2023, Petrolimex recorded a total annual revenue of VND 273,979 billion, a nearly 10% decrease compared to 2022 due to the lower average oil prices in 2023 compared to 2022. However, net profit after tax surged by 60% to VND 3,077 billion. Compared to the plan approved by the 2023 General Meeting of Shareholders, the Group exceeded the revenue target by 44% and pre-tax profit target by nearly 22%.
- officially launched the Digital Office application (Petrolimex DOffice) on mobile and smartphone platforms.
- maintain the use of online meeting applications and systems
- continue to increase the rate of cashless payments
- Tax control, management and risk management: Petrolimex's professionalism in organizing and managing petroleum business operations at nearly all retail stations across the country. This ensures transparency, accuracy, safety, and efficiency, while also demonstrating the pioneering role in meeting the requirements for managing, issuing, and using invoices as stipulated in Decree 123/2020/NĐ-CP dated 19th October 2020, by the Government. Accordingly, when customers purchase petroleum at Petrolimex stations, invoices will be issued at the time the sale is completed. This immediate issuance of e-invoices after each sale continues to pioneer in complying with state management requirements, affirming the consistent viewpoint of the Group's Leadership towards a transparent, public business management system that complies with the law and protects customer rights
- Contribution to state budget: 33,397 billion VND in 2023